Les Lettres des Mahatmas

La Société Théosophique à Paris continue avec le cycle d’étude spéciale et d’approfondissement pour les membres sur les Lettres des Mahatmas. Il est dirigé par Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu.
Les sessions ont lieu en présentiel et en visioconférence.
Tous les participants sont censés participer activement et être assidus aux sessions. Inscription à f.egnaro@euqihposoehteteicosr. Si vous avez déjà participé aux sessions du 4e trimestre 2022, vous n’avez pas besoin de vous réinscrire.

Gespreksavond over voorbije maanden

Over de voorbije maanden kan heel wat gezegd worden. Iedereen heeft deze beleefd op zijn eigen manier en even van gedachten wisselen lijkt nu wel op zijn plaatst. Hoe bracht iedereen deze voorbije maanden door? Welke waren de problemen die men tegenkwam tijdens deze periode en wat heeft men eruit geleerd? Vragen waarop iedereen zijn mening kan geven.

Tevens is september de maand waarop de activiteiten terug starten. Wie ideeën heeft voor het programma van de komende maanden kan deze zeker voorleggen.

TS World Congress 2018 (fr)

Het 11 de wereld congres eerste keer in Azië

Ramada Hotel, Singapore, 4 – 9 August 2018

Arrive on 3rd August

Consciousness, Contemplation, Commitment:
The Future Is Now

We are excited about the first-ever World Congress held in Asia! Our members in Singapore have been making preparations for more than a year, and are looking forward to welcoming their Theosophical sisters and brothers from around the world. Singapore is a beautiful, multicultural, world-class city with a thriving Theosophical group. We hope you can attend!

A TS World Congress is held not more than once in seven years, so join this one! Previous Congresses were held in Rome (2010), Sydney (2001), Brasilia (1993), Nairobi (1982), New York (1975), Salzburg (1966), Geneva (1936), Chicago (1929), Adyar (a Jubilee Congress  1925), Paris (1921).


Our present actions shape the future. It is the work we do now within ourselves and for others that determines what the Theosophical Society will look like in years to come. This Congress is to encourage us to actively participate in the NOW, to come to a shared vision for our future.

The Congress will kick off on Saturday morning on 4 August so arrivals are to be scheduled 3 August.

Featured presenters include Mr Tim Boyd, President of the TS  and Dr Cassandra Vieten, President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, California, USA

Program will include Lectures, TIP-talks, Presentations, Explore Groups, Grand Discussion. Public Lecture in the Regional English Language Centre. Chinese Opera, Evening by Singapore Lodge, Half-day Outing.


After the TS World Congress

The TOS International Conference

Ramada Hotel, Singapore, 9 – 11 August 2018

This is a working conference for those who are active in TOS work. We will review our accomplishments since our last conference in 2013 and make plans for the next five years. All active TOS workers are welcome, whether or not they are members of the TOS. As an unexpected extra, 9 August is a National Holiday in Singapore, complete with parades and fireworks.